<Narration Starts>
Act 1 prologue.
Two households of different stature, finds cyber security understanding and risk compliance through their use of generational technologies to integrate and collaborate with each others. Breaking down silos for better business opportunities. How they get to making the right digital decisions is a tale of woe and tragedy.
Act 1. Local municipality gets hacked and effects both households. Panic and looting ensues across all provinces.
Scene 1. Craziness and miss-information overload reduces digital alertness in everyone and both households continue to fall victim to phishing attacks.
Scene 2. House prices drop , cost of living goes up . Securmeo & Cyberette’s future is grim. Online discount vouchers stop working. Winter freezes damns so no hydro power, cloudy short days and damaged and stolen solar panels (by looters) means no energy. Technology debt worsens.
Scene 3. Random pirates shore the province bring with them cov-eth, but locally sourced coconut water combined with locally sourced berries provides heard immunity.
Scene 4. Securmeo and Cyberette now living off the land, local berries and coconuts, as does all.
Scene 5. Both start thinking of dating online as an escape.
Act 2. Households gather their resources. Need a way forward.
Scene 1. Cyber insurance declined for all due to no evidence of robust security control and risk management policies.
Scene 2. Mandatory security awareness training for all.
Scene 3. Laptops salvaged and re built with latest malware and OS updates, firewalls/vpn enabled by default. Passwords forced to change.
Scene 4. Spring ensues and energy back through solar panels, some are getting online again.
Scene 5. Some vouchers work but have to click and collect. Robbing still strife - (cameo from Robin Hood)
Scene 6. Securmeo & Cyberette’s both create catfish accounts, in attempts to hide real identity and make private bids on food items through local websites.
Act 3. Food shortages continue to force both households to try online shopping.
Scene 1. In desperation for food, Securmeo & Cyberette find each other on same local website and try to buy each others produce but accounts hacked on the local website and further personal losses seen. They are in more debt as credit card details were stored in their browser as were their passwords. They didn’t use a verified password vault and they thought a unbranded open source browser-vault would be secure. Their households remain without food.
Scene 2. Click and collect in more places, things slowly getting back to normal. So it seems..
Scene 3. Summer is here, all time heatwaves, crops damaged.
Scene 4. Water shortages, health effected, coconut water shortages, berries burnt.
Scene 5. Tropical days and nights for many weeks. Pirates throw an online regular pub quiz.
Act 4. Government funding announced. Both find farming produce online and see popup advert for dating app.
Scene 1. Government announces sustainable farming methods. New household websites launched via government funding.
Scene 2. Both households invest in better security controls, such as Identify Access Management, Data Loss Prevention and DDoS attack mitigations. Also now performing verified 3rd party supplier assessment.
Scene 4. Both households restore digital sovereignty.
Scene 4. Both households create new digital strategy and execute via new market place supply chains.
Scene 5. Securmeo & Cyberette’s find produce and haggle prices on these new digital market places , their deal fails with different suppliers, but dating app advert pops up. They both sign up to dating app, realising a failed society, prospects of the dating app lifts their spirits.
Act 5. Both sign up to virtual immersive fair organised by IT Friars.
Scene 1. Family food stocks still running short.
Scene 2. IT Friar launches smart digital business, with subscription smart device services accepting bitcoins and crypto currencies. Along side a marketing event ‘Join a random online fair’ to launch his food subscriptions delivery box every week!
Scene 3. IT Friar sends messenger to both houses to advertise fair. Securmeo & Cyberette’s are interested in attending. They secretly hope others will use the dating app during the virtual fair, they configure their own profiles with likes, needs and wants on the dating app- hierarchy of needs (Maslow Theory). IT Friars business seems to solve the food issues too! Things are looking up for Securmeo & Cyberette.
Act 6. Dating app gets hacked and Bitcoin stolen. Dramatic finale.
Scene 1. Unknown new malware spreads across the internet. Dating app is also effected.
IT Friar realises his platform is down too, he done no cyber third supplier checks on the open source software used by his provider. Sadly all his customer profiles were compromised, hackers changed customer profile preferences, including mixing up allergen preferences, hackers changed the ordering system too - coffee and cakes subscriptions are mixed - unfortunately Securmeo is allergic to coffee and Cyberette is allergic to icing on the cake, both are allergic, receive incorrect subscriptions boxes. A few hours left before the online fair, so they both eat the contents of the subscription box and alas, are no more – the allergic reactions ‘Kill -9’ them both. IT Friars bitcoin exchange collapses - crypto and NFT markets crash. Future is uncertain and in unchartered territories.
Scene 2. Securmeo & Cyberette therefore never meet online. IT Friars decides to make things right, opens poly-cloud retail-platform using blockchain web 3 technologies and get his platform certified. Both households subscribe, ditch their catfish accounts, follow GDPR and sell to each other and far across all devolved provinces. {Everyone turns vegan, new online-wellness industry booms.}
So ends the tale of the tragic digital transformation journey of two households. Now aligned in digital harmony, but at the cost of their own MVP’s. Moral of the story, as a business, your actions of doing no cyber diligence impacts others. As a consumer always download your app from a verified certified trusted source, do your own diligence before subscribing. The digital universe is not all coffee and icing on the cake.
So ends #RUCyberReady’s adaptation
<Narration ends>
Disclaimer : Entertainment purposes only. Adaptation of Romeo & Juliet by Shakespeare and Robin Hood. Credits due to Shakespeare and Robin Hood creators.
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