In this new norm, cyber security remains a non-functional requirement. By focusing on keeping your core business services lean, strategised and cost effective you can better overlay a lens of cyber security, or professionally said, review what non-functional requirements are required for your digitally transformed business and associated services.
From a customer perspective, you might have transformed services with increased functionality, usability or security enhancements;
From a business perspective, did you enable, humanise, harmonise and empower your business services to better work with new trends like Last Mile, Security Orchestration, Automation, & Response (SOAR), Big Data, Autonomous Robotics, Artificial Machine Intelligence (AI), Supplier API-Integration, Smart IoT, Cloud or Augmented Reality - it's only just beginning, so it's time to get comfortable with what 'security by design' means for you as you innovate your business;
From a cyber security perspective, your digital transformation plan should make sure your risk benefits are balanced for;
Obsolete Technology: Increased Risk (Legacy Technology Debt).
Technology Innovation: Risk Reduction (Optimised Business).
Decrease Failure Rate: Increase Business Resilience (Cost Efficiency).
New ways of working will inherently introduce new attack surfaces, so you need to understand how your risk appetite can effect your new energised business model - are you now augmented into an online-platform, or as a sole trader is your content on social platforms driving your core services, as a business are you providing flexible working mechanisms, increasing community volunteering activities or about to move away from pyramid structures to concentric business units. Every business purpose will have its own digital footprint and by knowing yours, you can demonstrate better cyber security accountability - who knows, you might even save on cyber insurance premiums.
Not only should you want to demonstrate transparently your digital responsibilities towards your brand but why not make it easier to integrate into customer supply chains by proactively encouraging digital sovereignty and a better cyber security posture with a better grasp of governance, risk and compliance.
If you're interacting with digital data or would like to get in touch, simply email info@RUCyberReady.UK to get the value based qualified cyber advisory you require. Our customised services are bespoke and designed to work alongside you, your suppliers, customers and clients. With many packages to choose from, SAIBER Ltd has made cyber security more accessible for everyone.